About Us

Past Life Regression


We are a Melbourne based Clinical Hypnotherapy practice trading as Past Life Regression as well as Sense of Self. Jennifer Seitanidis is a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist and a member of the Australian Association of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy Association (AACHP) and the Australian Hypnotherapists Association.

Past-Life-RegressionWe are dedicated to helping, enabling and empowering individuals to transform their lives and overcome challenges; whether they be phobias, anxieties, addictions, smoking or weight loss. We believe in helping individuals so they can help themselves. We achieve this through hypnotherapy, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and meditation. We have consulting rooms in 2 convenient locations – one is in Ascot Vale and the other is in Caulfield South.

Jennifer also aims to raise awareness and appreciation of ‘self’ and to bring about self-enhancement and improve mental, emotional and physical well being through a subconscious and reflective journey of self-discovery.

Jennifer genuinely believes that true happiness, lasting peace and genuine strength are embedded in a harmonious equilibrium between our ‘self’, our perceptions and our deeds (actions and interactions). True empowerment is the result of this harmony and by unleashing this immense source of strength, our souls can be liberated and allowed to soar the serene skies of tranquility and reach the heights of self-realisation.

Dr-Brian-Weiss-Past-Life-RegressionJennifer Seitanidis was personally trained in Past Life Regression by Dr Brian Weiss (Many Lives, Many Masters) in 2011 at the Omega Institute in the USA and facilitates insightful and experiential Past Life Regression.

In addition to training with Dr Brian Weiss, Jennifer has also trained with Sonia Choquette in the USA to gain knowledge in bringing soul focused healing to her therapies. Her expertise empowers people to heal their past and regain their Energetic Presence.



past-life-regressionPast-Life Regression